The brief - Get people to try something new.
This is a collaborative brief and I paired up with Rob. Out of the list of options, we decided to chose to get people to try something new. This seemed like the best option for us as it is quite open for interpretation and there are many ways to look into the concept.
After brainstorming ideas we decided to focus on the concept of getting people who are full time workers, stuck in a routine, to try new, creative things outside of work. This was to encourage them to use the spare time they had and make the most of life.
Things to look into : Being spontaneous- positives/negatives
Being open minded- Positives/negatives
Age group? Although we are focussing on full time workers, which of these are most stuck in the routine of working, eating, sleeping.
Questions to workers.
Are you spontaneous? why?
Do you enjoy your job? why?
What have you always loved to do but not got around to?
Things to do before you die.
we looked further into the concept of fullfilling passions and dreams- how they are forgotten.
I made a list of things people would love to do before they die:
WHY NOT NOW? - I like the idea of a person realising that they can start fulfilling their dreams now - try to promote this.
Concept -
Content -
Method -
Although we seemed to have finalised this idea, parts of it seem to be missing. It was really hard to collect evidence of spontenaity being benificial to a persons day and we do not have a large workers network around us so was hard to collect research towards this. Decided to keep open minded and look further into other ideas.